It's the most wonderful time of the year, again! Boys and girls are getting up early, wiping the sleep from their eyes and getting ready to board the school bus.
I just love this commercial, it always marked the beginning of the school year for me. All too soon this will be me and the prospect is daunting. But just when I was ready to lose hope, I found that there were many tools to help organize any Mami, literally at my fingertips.
If you're a Mami looking to stay organized, my friend Leticia at Tech Savvy Mama recommends the momAgenda Spiral Refill and has a wonderful giveaway you can enter now until September 10th.
This planner not only allows you to keep your own schedule but also four others as well. WONDERFUL! has a wonderful line of age appropriate printable charts ranging from preschool through the 8th grade. These are wonderful to keep the kiddos on track in the morning, evening and all during the week.
We all want our children to be successful and to help them in any way we can. has a wonderfully helpful check list of school supplies that you should have at home to help you child tackle their homework. I especially love that it suggests you have 2-3 pieces of poster board in the house. How many of you have had to run out to the office supply store right before closing because your little angel had a project due the next day they forgot to tell you about????
Last but not least, my favorite thing was on . They suggested making a back to school celebration. Ingenious idea! I especially liked the Kindergarten Time Capsule and I will definitely be doing this for my boys.
Hope you enjoyed this post, I really enjoyed putting it together. I also hope that you found something useful.
Thanks Lois! I am so excited about trying them ALL!